Feeding and Nutrition |
Activity answers:
Assess risk of dehydration and malnutrition. Does Mrs Jones have any of the following that would suggest that she is dehydrated?
- Thirst
- Headache
- Concentrated urine
- Decreased skin integrity
- Postural hypotension
When assessing nutritional risk consider:
- Body Mass Index (BMI) - Mrs Jones has a BMI of 17.4 (underweight)
- Recent weight loss - 14 pounds >10% of normal body weight
- Ability to eat - Yes
- Loss of appetite - Yes
- Any physical impairments - No
- Low mood – Yes
- Nutritional risk - High
Action plan:
- Discuss issues with patient; does Mrs Jones have any particular worries or concerns?
- Establish any difficulties Mrs Jones may have in planning, preparing or eating meals
- Establish any difficulties Mrs Jones may have in planning or preparing drinks
- Establish a meal plan including drinks and snacks
- Explore and discuss if meals can be prepared by a family member, care assistant or delivered by a meals at home service
- Encourage patient/family to keep a food/drink diary
- Plan weight gain/fluid intake goals
- Refer patient to GP regarding low mood with recommendation to refer onto specialist services