Many people who have had a stroke, and their carers, want to be able to return to varied roles they had before stroke and to be involved in their local communities again

Parker et al. (1997); Han and Haley (1999)

Studies looking at leisure activities for people who have had a stroke found that there were numerous clubs, societies, specialist equipment and written information leaflets available, but that people needed someone to get them started or help them return after a break due to a stroke

Drummond and Walker (1995)

"To maximise emotional recovery, people need information and advice about local opportunities and resources, including clubs, hobbies, leisure, education and sports facilities"

"Allied health professionals, in particular, can support individuals and carers in initiating the appropriate links and can work in partnership with local community and voluntary sector organisations to enable sustained inclusion and participation. Opportunities for peer support can also enable and empower individuals, especially in relation to rebuilding the confidence that many people with stroke lose."

DoH, National Stroke Strategy (2007) (p46)